Dental Implants

Dental implants are the standard of care for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants help change the lives of patients daily. Dental implants are designed to provide the foundation for replace missing teeth. Implants have the same function, feel and aesthetic look as if it were a natural tooth in the mouth. For a patient who has had the unfortunate event of losing a tooth or teeth, this procedure will help them maintain certainty that they will be able to eat and function knowing that their teeth will look as natural and feel as natural as possible.

Implant replacing one tooth.

Dental Implant Diagram A

Lower denture retained by implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are tiny titanium post or screws that are surgically placed in the gum where the patient is missing his/her tooth/teeth. The implant acts as a tooth root substitute. If there is enough bone around the area, the bone bonds with the titanium (osseointegration), and creates a strong foundation for the artificial tooth. Some patients may not have enough bone to hold the implants, so the option of having a small bone graft is readily available in our office. The titanium screw serves as an anchor to hold the replacement tooth in place. Implants help preserve the facial structure of the patients and they also prevent the bone from deteriorating which may occur when teeth are missing from the mouth.

Are you a candidate for dental implants?

With the exception of growing children, dental implants can benefit people of all ages. Even those with the following health concerns: 1-medical conditions (hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, organ transplant); 2-gum disease or problem teeth; 3- currently wearing partials or complete dentures; 4-smokers; 5-bone loss. Dental implants are the solution of choice for adults of all ages.

Which surgical options you offer?

The number of implants that a patient may need depends upon the condition of your mouth.

There are several options:

  • Single crown implants: each prosthetic tooth is attached to a single implant.

  • Implant supported bridge: replacement of several teeth with fewer implants.

  • Implant supported denture: patients are able to have a secure denture in their mouth and remove it for proper cleaning.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants, if properly cared for can last a lifetime, making them a better investment over the long run. Dental implants have a 95% success rate, fixed bridges have an 85% of success rate for 10 years, and 66% for 15 years.