Understanding BOTOX®

BOTOX® Cosmetic Injection for facial wrinkles is one of the most effective treatments in the field of cosmetic surgery. Very few treatments produce such impressive results with no healing time required. It is used to treat "frown lines" which are sometimes called "scowl lines" or "worry lines", these are the lines seen between the eyes and on the bridge of the nose. In addition, Botox injections are used for "crow's feet" wrinkles and forehead wrinkles, for the bands that develop underneath the chin and extend to the neck, to treat bruxism (tooth grinding) and some facial pain syndromes. BOTOX® relaxes the muscles and restricts their movement, which prevents them from creating creases, which allows for skin to even out and become more youthful and smooth.

Dynamic frontal wrinkles.

Dynamic glabellar wrinkles.

Is BOTOX® right for me?

BOTOX® can be used in most patients between 18-65 who desire to improve their facial appearance. It is not recommended for use in children younger than 18 years of age.

How is the treatment done?

The injections are performed in the office with an ultra-fine needle directly into the muscles that cause those moderate to severe wrinkles. The number of injections required varies with the degree of wrinkling.

How long does BOTOX® last?

The effects of BOTOX® begin between 24-72 hours and the effect lasts an average of 4 months. There is some evidence that after several repeated injections, the effects last longer. No anesthesia is required. However, your doctor may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. Approximately 10-20 minutes for the entire treatment is required and the discomfort is usually minimal and brief. No downtime is needed after the treatment.


  • DO NOT massage areas treated for 2-3 hours.
  • DO NOT bend over (e.g., to tie your shoes or pick up something from the floor) for the next 2-3 hours .
  • LIMIT heavy physical activity, and lying down or sleeping for 2-3 hours.
  • DO contract treated muscles for 2-3 hours immediately after the injection. This promotes the uptake of Botox by the receptor sites at the neuromuscular junction.